DeepOptics Technology

PV Cleaning Robot

Intelligent Cleaning Solutions for Photovoltaic Panels

As photovoltaic (PV) power generation technology continues to advance, the construction of PV power stations and the use of PV panels are also on the rise. Although PV panels do not necessitate extensive routine maintenance like traditional electrical equipment, they are still subject to the impacts of climate and environmental factors over time, leading to the accumulation of dust and impurities that can reduce their power generation efficiency. Consequently, the cleaning of PV panels has become an increasingly important aspect of sustaining the efficiency of PV power generation. Effective cleaning of PV panels can significantly enhance power generation efficiency, particularly in dusty environments such as arid regions, deserts, or coastal areas. The cleaning robot is equipped with an array of sensors (proximity, stroke, dust level, and pose sensors), high polymer spiral brushes, an aviation-grade aluminum alloy casing, driving wheels, and anti-dropout positioning wheels. It boasts a robust cleaning capability, straightforward disassembly and assembly of equipment, ease of installation, and convenient maintenance.


- 022-87459086    13404662299

- Huayuan Xinmao Science and Technology Park, Tianjin China.



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